Created autoconf/automake rules for the quote format parser.
authorSergey Vlasov <>
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 16:37:28 +0000 (16:37 +0000)
committerSergey Vlasov <>
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 16:37:28 +0000 (16:37 +0000)
src/quote_fmt_lex.l [new file with mode: 0644]
src/quote_fmt_parse.y [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/quote_fmt_lex.l b/src/quote_fmt_lex.l
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..09bf366
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "quote_fmt_lex.h"
+#include "quote_fmt_parse.h"
+%option prefix="quote_fmt"
+%option outfile="lex.yy.c"
+"%d" /* date */ return SHOW_DATE;
+"%f" /* From */ return SHOW_FROM;
+"%N" /* Full name */ return SHOW_FULLNAME;
+"%F" /* firt name */ return SHOW_FIRST_NAME;
+"%I" /* initial of sender */ return SHOW_SENDER_INITIAL;
+"%s" /* subject */ return SHOW_SUBJECT;
+"%t" /* to */ return SHOW_TO;
+"%c" /* cc */ return SHOW_CC;
+"%n" /* newsgroups */ return SHOW_NEWSGROUPS;
+"%i" /* message-id */ return SHOW_MESSAGEID;
+"%r" /* references */ return SHOW_REFERENCES;
+"%M" /* message */ return SHOW_MESSAGE;
+"%Q" /* quoted message */ return SHOW_QUOTED_MESSAGE;
+"%%" /* % */ return SHOW_PERCENT;
+"\\\\" /* \ */ return SHOW_BACKSLASH;
+"\\t" /* tab */ return SHOW_TAB;
+"\\n" /* retour à la ligne */ return SHOW_EOL;
+"\\?" /* ? */ return SHOW_QUESTION_MARK;
+"\\(" return SHOW_OPARENT;
+"\\)" return SHOW_CPARENT;
+"?d" /* query date */ return QUERY_DATE;
+"?f" /* query from */ return QUERY_FROM;
+"?N"|"?F"|"?I" /* query from name */ return QUERY_FULLNAME;
+"?s" /* query subject */ return QUERY_SUBJECT;
+"?t" /* query to */ return QUERY_TO;
+"?c" /* query cc */ return QUERY_CC;
+"?n" /* query newsgroups */ return QUERY_NEWSGROUPS;
+"?i" /* query message-id */ return QUERY_MESSAGEID;
+"?r" /* query references */ return QUERY_REFERENCES;
+"(" return OPARENT;
+")" return CPARENT;
+. { yylval.chr = yytext[0]; return CHARACTER; }
diff --git a/src/quote_fmt_parse.y b/src/quote_fmt_parse.y
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2fff531
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "procmsg.h"
+#include "procmime.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "intl.h"
+#include "quote_fmt_lex.h"
+/* decl */
+flex quote_fmt.l
+bison -p quote_fmt quote_fmt.y
+static MsgInfo * msginfo = NULL;
+static gboolean * visible = NULL;
+static gint maxsize = 0;
+static gint stacksize = 0;
+static gchar * buffer = NULL;
+static gint bufmax = 0;
+static gint bufsize = 0;
+static gchar * quote_str = NULL;
+static gint error = 0;
+static void add_visibility(gboolean val)
+       stacksize ++;
+       if (maxsize < stacksize) {
+               maxsize += 128;
+               visible = g_realloc(visible, maxsize * sizeof(gboolean));
+               if (visible == NULL)
+                       maxsize = 0;
+       }
+       visible[stacksize - 1] = val;
+static void remove_visibility()
+       stacksize --;
+static void add_buffer(gchar * s)
+       gint len = strlen(s);
+       if (bufsize + len + 1 > bufmax) {
+               if (bufmax == 0)
+                       bufmax = 128;
+               while (bufsize + len + 1 > bufmax)
+                       bufmax *= 2;
+               buffer = g_realloc(buffer, bufmax);
+       }
+       strcpy(buffer + bufsize, s);
+       bufsize += len;
+static void flush_buffer()
+       if (buffer != NULL)
+               *buffer = 0;
+       bufsize = 0;
+gchar * quote_fmt_get_buffer()
+       if (error != 0)
+               return NULL;
+       else
+               return buffer;
+#define INSERT(buf) \
+       if (stacksize != 0 && visible[stacksize - 1]) \
+               add_buffer(buf)
+#define INSERT_CHARACTER(chr) \
+       if (stacksize != 0 && visible[stacksize - 1]) { \
+               gchar tmp[2]; \
+               tmp[0] = (chr); \
+               tmp[1] = '\0'; \
+               add_buffer(tmp); \
+       }
+void quote_fmt_init(MsgInfo * info, gchar * my_quote_str)
+       quote_str = my_quote_str;
+       msginfo = info;
+       stacksize = 0;
+       add_visibility(TRUE);
+       if (buffer != NULL)
+               *buffer = 0;
+       bufsize = 0;
+       error = 0;
+void quote_fmterror(char * str)
+       g_warning(_("Error %s\n"), str);
+       error = 1;
+int quote_fmtwrap(void)
+       return 1;
+static int isseparator(char ch)
+       return isspace(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '-';
+%union {
+       char chr;
+%start quote_fmt
+%token <chr> CHARACTER
+%type <chr> character
+       character_or_special_or_query_list;
+       character_or_special_or_query character_or_special_or_query_list
+       | character_or_special_or_query ;
+       special ;
+       | character
+       {
+               INSERT_CHARACTER($1);
+       }
+       | query ;
+       ;
+       {
+               if (msginfo->newsgroups)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->newsgroups);
+       }
+       | SHOW_DATE
+       {
+               if (msginfo->date)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->date);
+       }
+       | SHOW_FROM
+       {
+               if (msginfo->from)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->from);
+       }
+       {
+               if (msginfo->fromname)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->fromname);
+       }
+       {
+               if (msginfo->fromname) {
+                       gchar * p;
+                       gchar * str;
+                       str = alloca(strlen(msginfo->fromname) + 1);
+                       if (str != NULL) {
+                               strcpy(str, msginfo->fromname);
+                               p = str;
+                               while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
+                               *p = '\0';
+                               INSERT(str);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       {
+               if (msginfo->fromname) {
+                       gchar tmp[MAX_SENDER_INITIAL];
+                       gchar * p;      
+                       gchar * cur;
+                       gint len = 0;
+                       p = msginfo->fromname;
+                       cur = tmp;
+                       while (*p) {
+                               if (*p && isalnum(*p)) {
+                                       *cur = toupper(*p);
+                                               cur ++;
+                                       len ++;
+                                       if (len >= MAX_SENDER_INITIAL - 1)
+                                               break;
+                               }
+                               else
+                                       break;
+                               while (*p && !isseparator(*p)) p++;
+                               while (*p && isseparator(*p)) p++;
+                       }
+                       *cur = '\0';
+                       INSERT(tmp);
+               }
+       }
+       | SHOW_SUBJECT
+       {
+               if (msginfo->subject)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->subject);
+       }
+       | SHOW_TO
+       {
+               if (msginfo->to)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->to);
+       }
+       {
+               if (msginfo->msgid)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->msgid);
+       }
+       | SHOW_PERCENT
+       {
+               INSERT("%");
+       }
+       | SHOW_CC
+       {
+               if (msginfo->cc)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->cc);
+       }
+       {
+               if (msginfo->references)
+                       INSERT(msginfo->references);
+       }
+       | SHOW_MESSAGE
+       {
+               gchar buf[BUFFSIZE];
+               FILE * fp;
+               if ((fp = procmime_get_text_part(msginfo)) == NULL)
+                       g_warning(_("Can't get text part\n"));
+               while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
+                       INSERT(buf);
+               }
+               fclose(fp);
+       }
+       {
+               gchar buf[BUFFSIZE];
+               FILE * fp;
+               if ((fp = procmime_get_text_part(msginfo)) == NULL)
+                       g_warning(_("Can't get text part\n"));
+               while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
+                       if (quote_str)
+                               INSERT(quote_str);
+                       INSERT(buf);
+               }
+               fclose(fp);
+       }
+       {
+               INSERT("\\");
+       }
+       | SHOW_TAB
+       {
+               INSERT("\t");
+       }
+       | SHOW_EOL
+       {
+               INSERT("\n");
+       }
+       {
+               INSERT("?");
+       }
+       | SHOW_OPARENT
+       {
+               INSERT("(");
+       }
+       | SHOW_CPARENT
+       {
+               INSERT(")");
+       };
+       QUERY_DATE
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->date != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       | QUERY_FROM
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->from != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->fromname != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->subject != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       | QUERY_TO
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->to != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->newsgroups != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->msgid != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       | QUERY_CC
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->cc != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       }
+       {
+               add_visibility(msginfo->references != NULL);
+       }
+       OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT
+       {
+               remove_visibility();
+       };