#!/usr/bin/perl # Script name : tb2sylpheed # Script version: 1.0.2 # Script based on : script kmail2sylpheed.pl # Script purpose : convert The Bat! addressbook into Sylpheed addressbook # Author : Aleksandar Urosevic aka Urke MMI # Licence : GPL # # Thanks goes to : Paul Mangan # # Usage: Export The Bat! Address Book to CSV file format # with all fields selected to YES and then start: # tb2sylpheed --tbfile=/full/path/to/thebat/addressbook.csv # # Change Log: # # 18-12-2003 v 1.0.2 # - bugfix: added missing attribute-list start # # 01-01-2003 v 1.0.1 # - bugfix: no more empty Business Homepage entry # - bugfix: no more \0D\0A´s in Notes entry # - bugfix: no more double space in Full Name entry # - code utilization # - add info about number of converted addresses # # 15-08-2002 v 1.0.0 # - first public release # # TODO: # # * Add switch for Full Name entry on atrybute part # use Getopt::Long; GetOptions("tbfile=s" => \$tbfile); #$tbfile = '/home/urke/bin/sylpheed/tb2ldif/thebat-addressbook.csv'; $total_addresses = 0; chdir; # check is Sylpheed instrtalled opendir(SYLPHEED, ".sylpheed") || die("Can't open Sylpheed directory! Conversion abroted\n"); push(@cached, (readdir(SYLPHEED))); closedir(SYLPHEED); # get last existing addressbook filename # to set filename for newest addressbook # get all existing addressbook filenames foreach $cached (@cached) { if ($cached =~ m/^addrbook/ && $cached =~ m/[0-9].xml$/) { push(addr, "$cached"); } } # sort filenames, get last and set newest filename @sorted = sort {$a cmp $b} @addr; $last_one = pop(@sorted); $last_one =~ s/^addrbook-//; $last_one =~ s/.xml$//; $last_one++; $new_addrbk = "addrbook-"."$last_one".".xml"; # open thebat file to stack open (TBFILE, "<$tbfile") || die("Specified Address Book file does not exist.\n\033[5m\033[31mYou must specify full path to input file!\033[0m\nConversion aborted.\n"); @tblines = ; close TBFILE; # shift firs line from file because this is field names $dross = shift(@tblines); # set time mark and header of addressbook $time = time; $sylph_addr = "\n"; $sylph_addr .= "\n"; # create addressbook entry from The Bat! addressbook foreach $tbline (@tblines) { $total_addresses += 1; (@tbdata) = split(/,/,$tbline); foreach $tbdata (@tbdata) { # fix nonacceptable characters $tbdata =~ s/^"//; $tbdata =~ s/"$//; $tbdata =~ s/"/"/g; $tbdata =~ s/&/&/g; $tbdata =~ s/'/'/g; $tbdata =~ s//>/g; $tbdata =~ s/\\2C\ /, /g; $tbdata =~ s/(\\0D\\0A){1,}/, /g; $tbdata =~ s/\ {2,}/ /g; } # set addressbook field values $sylph_addr .= " \n" ." \n"; $time++; $sylph_addr .= "
\n" ." \n"; # find is need to make entry attributes $check = 0; for($i=6; $i<=31; $i++) { $tbdata[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; $tbdata[$i] =~ s/\s+$//; if ($tbdata[$i] ne "") { $check += 1; } } if ($check > 0) { $sylph_addr .= " \n"; if ($tbdata[1] ne "" || $tbdata[2] ne "") { $time++; if($tbdata[29] ne "" && $tbdata[1] ne "") { $full_name = "$tbdata[29] $tbdata[1]"; } else { $full_name = "$tbdata[1]"; } if($tbdata[3] ne "") { $full_name .= " $tbdata[3]"; } if($tbdata[2] ne "") { $full_name .= " $tbdata[2]"; } if($tbdata[28] ne "") { $full_name .= " $tbdata[28]"; } $sylph_addr .= " " ."$full_name\n"; } if ($tbdata[15] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[15]\n"; } if ($tbdata[16] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[16]\n"; } if ($tbdata[17] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[17]\n"; } if ($tbdata[18] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[18]\n"; } if ($tbdata[19] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[19]\n"; } if ($tbdata[9] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[9]\n"; } if ($tbdata[10] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[10]\n"; } if ($tbdata[11] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[11]\n"; } if ($tbdata[30] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[30]\n"; } if ($tbdata[14] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[14]\n"; } if ($tbdata[7] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[7]\n"; } if ($tbdata[8] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[8]\n"; } if ($tbdata[20] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[20]\n"; } if ($tbdata[21] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[21]\n"; } if ($tbdata[22] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[22]\n"; } if ($tbdata[23] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[23]\n"; } if ($tbdata[24] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[24]\n"; } if ($tbdata[25] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[25]\n"; } if ($tbdata[26] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[26]\n"; } if ($tbdata[12] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[12]\n"; } if ($tbdata[13] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[13]\n"; } if ($tbdata[31] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[31]\n"; } if ($tbdata[27] ne "") { $time++; $sylph_addr .= " " ."$tbdata[27]\n"; } $sylph_addr .= " \n"; } # if ( $check > 0 ) { # $sylph_addr .= "\n"; # } $sylph_addr .= " \n"; $time++; } $sylph_addr .= "\n"; # print new addressbook to file open (NEWADDR, ">.sylpheed/$new_addrbk"); print NEWADDR $sylph_addr; close NEWADDR; # add new addressbook to index open (ADDRIN, "<.sylpheed/addrbook--index.xml") || die("Can't open addrbook--index.xml"); @addrindex_file = ; close ADDRIN; foreach $addrindex_line (@addrindex_file) { if ($addrindex_line =~ m/<\/book_list>/) { $rewrite_addrin .= " \n" ." \n"; } else { $rewrite_addrin .= "$addrindex_line"; } } open (NEWADDRIN, ">.sylpheed/addrbook--index.xml"); print NEWADDRIN "$rewrite_addrin"; close NEWADDRIN; print "You have sucessfully converted your The Bat! addressbook\n"; print "New addressbook file name: $new_addrbk\n"; print "Total addresses converted: $total_addresses\n"; exit;