* calypso_import.pl WHAT IT DOES This perl script imports mbox files that are exported by Calypso. It recreates the folder structure by scanning the "X-CalypsoFolder" header and reincludes the attachments referenced in the "X-CalypsoHtmlBody" "X-CalypsoAccount" "X-Attachment" headers. HOW TO USE IT Export the Calypso mailbox by selecting "Save to archive" and check the "Save attachments" box. Edit the script to set following variables (at the top of the file): $mboxdir : path to the exported mbox, e.g. 'Archive' or '.' $mboxfile : name of exported mbox, e.g. 'mail.txt' $outdir : name of the MH folder to create, e.g. 'Calypso' Run the script using perl calypso_import.pl Finally, import that folder by either selecting "New mailbox" or moving it into your existing directory and recreate the folder structure manually (contentmenu from folderview). Any questions, comments or problems, contact Thorsten Maerz ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * eud2gc.py WHAT IT DOES This python-script is a quick hack to convert an Eudora (v.3?) addressbook to vCard (GnomeCard) format. HOW TO USE IT You may do whatever you want with it! (Also regarding copying) However, the script is intended to use like this: eud2gc.py Be careful not to overwrite your original GnomeCard.gcrd! (But of course you might want to add the converted stuff to it) Copyleft some time long ago (around 1999?) by Jeroen Versteeg (j.m.versteeg@student.utwente.nl) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * filter_conv.pl WHAT IT DOES This perl script provides easy conversion of your filtering rules form sylpheed's old filter system to the new filtering system used in sylpheed-claws. It reads '~/.sylpheed/filterrc' and outputs '~/.sylpheed/matcherrc'. HOW TO USE IT Issue the following command from the 'tools' directory: perl filter_conv.pl That's it, the new filtering system is now implemented with your previous rules applied. Any problems, contact Torsten Schoenfeld ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * gif2xface.pl WHAT IT DOES This perl script converts a monochrome (1 bit) 48x48 pixels GIF file into an X-Face graphic suitable for inclusion into custom headers of Sylpheed. An X-Face allows to quickly identify (or be identified as) the sender of a mail message in a xface-capable MUA (like sylpheed). HOW TO USE IT After obtaining the desired image for your X-Face you should: * scale it to 48x48 pixels (Image->Scale image on Gimp) * down color depth to b/w (Image->Mode->Indexed selecting "Use Black/White palette" and the desired dithering options (prior to indexing doing Image->Colors->Threshold allows you to select the b/w level if you don't want a dithered (dotty) image)) * save file as non-interlaced GIF Then do: ./gif2xface < filename.gif > filename.xface In filename.xface will be the X-Face header ready to use. You can add a custom header in Sylpheed through Configuration-> Preferences per account, "Send" tab, check "Add user-defined header" then "Edit..." if you want to add it via Sylpheed interface, or do echo "0:" `cat filename.xface` > ~/.sylpheed/customheaderrc if you want to create the custom headers file yourself (Warning: this method is valid only if you don't have any other custom header set or they will be lost!). Any problems, contact Ricardo Mones Lastra ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * kmail2sylpheed.pl WHAT IT DOES This perl script will convert an exported Kmail addressbook into a Sylpheed addressbook. HOW TO USE IT (You must run sylpheed at least once before running this script.) In Kmail's Addressbook choose '/File/Export List'. This will export your Kmail addressbook data to a *.csv file. If Sylpheed is running, close it. From the command line, execute the following: perl kmail2sylpheed.pl --kmailfile=/path/to/addressbook.csv Your Kmail addressbook data will now be contained in Sylpheed's addressbook, under the name 'Kmail Address Book'. Any questions, comments or problems, contact Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * ldif-to-xml.py WHAT IT DOES This python script converts the netscape ldif format address book to the sylpheed xml format. HOW TO USE IT Inside Netscape export your address book to a file. From the command line, execute: ./ldif-to-xml.py In case of trouble, just invoke your python interpreter directly: python ldif-to-xml.py Either way a file called addressbook.xml will be generated in the current directory. This xml file should be merged with or simply placed in the $HOME/.sylpheed directory. Any problems, contact Rod Senra ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * newscache_clean.pl WHAT IT DOES AND WHY IT DOES IT This perl script cleans up in '$HOME/.sylpheed/newscache'. Currently the newscache becomes littered with old directories and files - when you subscribe to a newsgroup a sub-directory gets created for it in ~/.sylpheed/newscache/[nntpserver], should you unsubscribe from the group the sub-directory does not get deleted. Until this is done internally this script will take care of some tidying up. This script removes directory trees of nntp servers that you no longer have an account for. Where an account exists it removes directories and files of those groups to which you are no longer subscribed. HOW TO USE IT Issue the following command from the 'tools' directory: perl newscache_clean.pl This script uses the File::Path module, if you don't already have it installed, you can find it at the CPAN search site Any questions, comments or problems, contact Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * sylpheed-switcher WHAT IT DOES This perl script is for users who like to move between the main sylpheed branch and the claws branch. Because of some differences between the stored options it is better IMO to use two separate '.sylpheed' directory trees. Doing that manually could prove to be tiresome, and so I've written this script to automate the task. The first time you run this script you enter the full paths, including the executable itself, to both the main version of sylpheed and the claws version. This information is then stored in a file in your $HOME directory called '.sylpheed-switcher' During this initial set-up, your '~/.sylpheed' directory is copied to '~/.sylpheed-main' and '~/.sylpheed-claws'. When you run sylpheed via this script, your '~/.sylpheed' directory is deleted and replaced with a symbolic link to either ~/.sylpheed-main' or '~/sylpheed-claws', depending on the option you choose. (On subsequent usage the symbolic link is deleted and replaced with a new symbolic link). HOW TO USE IT Initial set-up Enter the full paths to the executable, including the executable itself, example: ./sylpheed-switcher --claws-path=/usr/local/bin/sylpheed --main-path= /usr/bin/sylpheed After the initial set-up, use the following: ./sylpheed-switcher --claws (to run sylpheed-claws) ./sylpheed-switcher --main (to run sylpheed main) Additionally you can append --debug to run in debug mode. Use --help for more info. This script uses the File::Path and Getopt::Long modules, if you don't already have them installed, you can find them at the CPAN search site Any questions, comments or problems, contact Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * update-po WHAT IT DOES This script is a message catalog translator's tool, it updates the .po files named on the command line. HOW TO USE IT This script needs to be copied to and run from the 'po' directory. ./update-po lang.po lang2.po ... to update one or more .po files from the sourcecode files named in POTFILES.in. The old .po file is save in a .po.old file. For example, when you want to update fr.po, run ./update-po fr.po, then edit fr.po to update your translation. Author: Wilbert Berendsen -----------------------------------------------------------------------