/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Hiroyuki Yamamoto and the Sylpheed-Claws Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ %{ #include "defs.h" #include #include #include "procmsg.h" #include "procmime.h" #include "utils.h" #include "procheader.h" #include "quote_fmt.h" #include "quote_fmt_lex.h" /* decl */ /* flex quote_fmt.l bison -p quote_fmt quote_fmt.y */ int yylex(void); static MsgInfo *msginfo = NULL; static gboolean *visible = NULL; static gint maxsize = 0; static gint stacksize = 0; static gchar *buffer = NULL; static gint bufmax = 0; static gint bufsize = 0; static const gchar *quote_str = NULL; static const gchar *body = NULL; static gint error = 0; static gint cursor_pos = 0; static void add_visibility(gboolean val) { stacksize++; if (maxsize < stacksize) { maxsize += 128; visible = g_realloc(visible, maxsize * sizeof(gboolean)); if (visible == NULL) maxsize = 0; } visible[stacksize - 1] = val; } static void remove_visibility(void) { stacksize--; } static void add_buffer(const gchar *s) { gint len; len = strlen(s); if (bufsize + len + 1 > bufmax) { if (bufmax == 0) bufmax = 128; while (bufsize + len + 1 > bufmax) bufmax *= 2; buffer = g_realloc(buffer, bufmax); } strcpy(buffer + bufsize, s); bufsize += len; } gchar *quote_fmt_get_buffer(void) { if (error != 0) return NULL; else return buffer; } gint quote_fmt_get_cursor_pos(void) { return cursor_pos; } #define INSERT(buf) \ if (stacksize != 0 && visible[stacksize - 1]) \ add_buffer(buf) #define INSERT_CHARACTER(chr) \ if (stacksize != 0 && visible[stacksize - 1]) { \ gchar tmp[2]; \ tmp[0] = (chr); \ tmp[1] = '\0'; \ add_buffer(tmp); \ } void quote_fmt_init(MsgInfo *info, const gchar *my_quote_str, const gchar *my_body) { quote_str = my_quote_str; body = my_body; msginfo = info; stacksize = 0; add_visibility(TRUE); if (buffer != NULL) *buffer = 0; bufsize = 0; error = 0; cursor_pos = 0; } void quote_fmterror(char *str) { g_warning("Error: %s\n", str); error = 1; } int quote_fmtwrap(void) { return 1; } static int isseparator(int ch) { return isspace(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '-'; } static void quote_fmt_show_date(const MsgInfo *msginfo, const gchar *format) { char result[100]; char *rptr; char zone[6]; struct tm lt; const char *fptr; const char *zptr; if (!msginfo->date) return; /* * ALF - GNU C's strftime() has a nice format specifier * for time zone offset (%z). Non-standard however, so * emulate it. */ #define RLEFT (sizeof result) - (rptr - result) #define STR_SIZE(x) (sizeof (x) - 1) zone[0] = 0; if (procheader_date_parse_to_tm(msginfo->date, <, zone)) { /* * break up format string in tiny bits delimited by valid %z's and * feed it to strftime(). don't forget that '%%z' mean literal '%z'. */ for (rptr = result, fptr = format; fptr && *fptr && rptr < &result[sizeof result - 1];) { int perc; const char *p; char *tmp; if (NULL != (zptr = strstr(fptr, "%z"))) { /* * count nr. of prepended percent chars */ for (perc = 0, p = zptr; p && p >= format && *p == '%'; p--, perc++) ; /* * feed to strftime() */ tmp = g_strndup(fptr, zptr - fptr + (perc % 2 ? 0 : STR_SIZE("%z"))); if (tmp) { rptr += strftime(rptr, RLEFT, tmp, <); g_free(tmp); } /* * append time zone offset */ if (zone[0] && perc % 2) rptr += g_snprintf(rptr, RLEFT, "%s", zone); fptr = zptr + STR_SIZE("%z"); } else { rptr += strftime(rptr, RLEFT, fptr, <); fptr = NULL; } } INSERT(result); } #undef STR_SIZE #undef RLEFT } static void quote_fmt_show_first_name(const MsgInfo *msginfo) { guchar *p; gchar *str; if (!msginfo->fromname) return; p = strchr(msginfo->fromname, ','); if (p != NULL) { /* fromname is like "Duck, Donald" */ p++; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; str = alloca(strlen(p) + 1); if (str != NULL) { strcpy(str, p); INSERT(str); } } else { /* fromname is like "Donald Duck" */ str = alloca(strlen(msginfo->fromname) + 1); if (str != NULL) { strcpy(str, msginfo->fromname); p = str; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; *p = '\0'; INSERT(str); } } } static void quote_fmt_show_last_name(const MsgInfo *msginfo) { gchar *p; gchar *str; /* This probably won't work together very well with Middle names and the like - thth */ if (!msginfo->fromname) return; str = alloca(strlen(msginfo->fromname) + 1); if (str != NULL) { strcpy(str, msginfo->fromname); p = strchr(str, ','); if (p != NULL) { /* fromname is like "Duck, Donald" */ *p = '\0'; INSERT(str); } else { /* fromname is like "Donald Duck" */ p = str; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) { /* We found a space. Get first none-space char and insert rest of string from there. */ while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p) { INSERT(p); } else { /* If there is no none-space char, just insert whole fromname. */ INSERT(str); } } else { /* If there is no space, just insert whole fromname. */ INSERT(str); } } } } static void quote_fmt_show_sender_initial(const MsgInfo *msginfo) { #define MAX_SENDER_INITIAL 20 gchar tmp[MAX_SENDER_INITIAL]; guchar *p; gchar *cur; gint len = 0; if (!msginfo->fromname) return; p = msginfo->fromname; cur = tmp; while (*p) { if (*p && isalnum(*p)) { *cur = toupper(*p); cur++; len++; if (len >= MAX_SENDER_INITIAL - 1) break; } else break; while (*p && !isseparator(*p)) p++; while (*p && isseparator(*p)) p++; } *cur = '\0'; INSERT(tmp); } static void quote_fmt_show_msg(MsgInfo *msginfo, const gchar *body, gboolean quoted, gboolean signature, const gchar *quote_str) { gchar buf[BUFFSIZE]; FILE *fp; if (!(msginfo->folder || body)) return; if (body) fp = str_open_as_stream(body); else fp = procmime_get_first_text_content(msginfo); if (fp == NULL) g_warning("Can't get text part\n"); else { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { strcrchomp(buf); if (!signature && strncmp(buf, "-- \n", 4) == 0) break; if (quoted && quote_str) INSERT(quote_str); INSERT(buf); } fclose(fp); } } static void quote_fmt_insert_file(const gchar *filename) { FILE *file; char buffer[256]; if ((file = fopen(filename, "rb")) != NULL) { while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file)) { INSERT(buffer); } fclose(file); } } static void quote_fmt_insert_program_output(const gchar *progname) { FILE *file; char buffer[256]; if ((file = popen(progname, "r")) != NULL) { while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file)) { INSERT(buffer); } fclose(file); } } %} %union { char chr; char str[256]; } %token SHOW_NEWSGROUPS %token SHOW_DATE SHOW_FROM SHOW_FULLNAME SHOW_FIRST_NAME SHOW_LAST_NAME %token SHOW_SENDER_INITIAL SHOW_SUBJECT SHOW_TO SHOW_MESSAGEID %token SHOW_PERCENT SHOW_CC SHOW_REFERENCES SHOW_MESSAGE %token SHOW_QUOTED_MESSAGE SHOW_BACKSLASH SHOW_TAB %token SHOW_QUOTED_MESSAGE_NO_SIGNATURE SHOW_MESSAGE_NO_SIGNATURE %token SHOW_EOL SHOW_QUESTION_MARK SHOW_PIPE SHOW_OPARENT SHOW_CPARENT %token QUERY_DATE QUERY_FROM %token QUERY_FULLNAME QUERY_SUBJECT QUERY_TO QUERY_NEWSGROUPS %token QUERY_MESSAGEID QUERY_CC QUERY_REFERENCES %token INSERT_FILE INSERT_PROGRAMOUTPUT %token OPARENT CPARENT %token CHARACTER %token SHOW_DATE_EXPR %token SET_CURSOR_POS %start quote_fmt %token CHARACTER %type character %type string %% quote_fmt: character_or_special_or_insert_or_query_list; character_or_special_or_insert_or_query_list: character_or_special_or_insert_or_query character_or_special_or_insert_or_query_list | character_or_special_or_insert_or_query ; character_or_special_or_insert_or_query: special | character { INSERT_CHARACTER($1); } | query | insert ; character: CHARACTER ; string: CHARACTER { $$[0] = $1; $$[1] = '\0'; } | string CHARACTER { int len; strncpy($$, $1, sizeof($$)); $$[sizeof($$) - 1] = '\0'; len = strlen($$); if (len + 1 < sizeof($$)) { $$[len + 1] = '\0'; $$[len] = $2; } }; special: SHOW_NEWSGROUPS { if (msginfo->newsgroups) INSERT(msginfo->newsgroups); } | SHOW_DATE_EXPR OPARENT string CPARENT { quote_fmt_show_date(msginfo, $3); } | SHOW_DATE { if (msginfo->date) INSERT(msginfo->date); } | SHOW_FROM { if (msginfo->from) INSERT(msginfo->from); } | SHOW_FULLNAME { if (msginfo->fromname) INSERT(msginfo->fromname); } | SHOW_FIRST_NAME { quote_fmt_show_first_name(msginfo); } | SHOW_LAST_NAME { quote_fmt_show_last_name(msginfo); } | SHOW_SENDER_INITIAL { quote_fmt_show_sender_initial(msginfo); } | SHOW_SUBJECT { if (msginfo->subject) INSERT(msginfo->subject); } | SHOW_TO { if (msginfo->to) INSERT(msginfo->to); } | SHOW_MESSAGEID { if (msginfo->msgid) INSERT(msginfo->msgid); } | SHOW_PERCENT { INSERT("%"); } | SHOW_CC { if (msginfo->cc) INSERT(msginfo->cc); } | SHOW_REFERENCES { /* if (msginfo->references) INSERT(msginfo->references); */ } | SHOW_MESSAGE { quote_fmt_show_msg(msginfo, body, FALSE, TRUE, quote_str); } | SHOW_QUOTED_MESSAGE { quote_fmt_show_msg(msginfo, body, TRUE, TRUE, quote_str); } | SHOW_MESSAGE_NO_SIGNATURE { quote_fmt_show_msg(msginfo, body, FALSE, FALSE, quote_str); } | SHOW_QUOTED_MESSAGE_NO_SIGNATURE { quote_fmt_show_msg(msginfo, body, TRUE, FALSE, quote_str); } | SHOW_BACKSLASH { INSERT("\\"); } | SHOW_TAB { INSERT("\t"); } | SHOW_EOL { INSERT("\n"); } | SHOW_QUESTION_MARK { INSERT("?"); } | SHOW_PIPE { INSERT("|"); } | SHOW_OPARENT { INSERT("{"); } | SHOW_CPARENT { INSERT("}"); } | SET_CURSOR_POS { cursor_pos = bufsize; }; query: QUERY_DATE { add_visibility(msginfo->date != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_FROM { add_visibility(msginfo->from != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_FULLNAME { add_visibility(msginfo->fromname != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_SUBJECT { add_visibility(msginfo->subject != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_TO { add_visibility(msginfo->to != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_NEWSGROUPS { add_visibility(msginfo->newsgroups != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_MESSAGEID { add_visibility(msginfo->msgid != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_CC { add_visibility(msginfo->cc != NULL); } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); } | QUERY_REFERENCES { /* add_visibility(msginfo->references != NULL); */ } OPARENT quote_fmt CPARENT { remove_visibility(); }; insert: INSERT_FILE OPARENT string CPARENT { quote_fmt_insert_file($3); } | INSERT_PROGRAMOUTPUT OPARENT string CPARENT { quote_fmt_insert_program_output($3); };