LIBICAL -- an implementation of iCalendar protocols and data formats Most of the code in here was written by Eric Busboom with help from dozens of contributors. It is currently maintained by Art Cancro and Wilfried Goesgens. libical is available for you to use under your choice of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) v1.0 or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) v2.1. This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into both proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements made by programmers in both realms. We will only accept changes into the library if they are similarly dual-licensed. Portions of this distribution are Copyright (c) 1997 Theo de Raadt. See the header for libical/vsnprintf.c for the full copyright statement. IMPORTANT: This is not the complete libical library, just the parts required for vCalendar plugin of Claws Mail and further bugfixes. For the complete libical package please visit: