%{ #include "defs.h" #include #include "intl.h" #include "utils.h" #include "filtering.h" #include "scoring.h" #include "matcher.h" #include "matcher_parser.h" #include "matcher_parser_lex.h" static gint error = 0; static gint bool_op = 0; static gint match_type = 0; static gchar * header = NULL; static MatcherProp * prop; static GSList * matchers_list = NULL; static MatcherList * cond; static gint score = 0; static FilteringAction * action = NULL; static FilteringProp * filtering; static ScoringProp * scoring = NULL; static GSList ** prefs_scoring = NULL; static GSList ** prefs_filtering = NULL; static int matcher_parser_dialog = 0; /* ******************************************************************** */ void matcher_parser_start_parsing(FILE * f) { matcher_parserrestart(f); matcher_parserparse(); } FilteringProp * matcher_parser_get_filtering(gchar * str) { void * bufstate; /* bad coding to enable the sub-grammar matching in yacc */ matcher_parserlineno = 1; matcher_parser_dialog = 1; matcher_parserrestart(NULL); matcher_parser_init(); bufstate = matcher_parser_scan_string(str); matcher_parser_switch_to_buffer(bufstate); if (matcher_parserparse() != 0) filtering = NULL; matcher_parser_dialog = 0; matcher_parser_delete_buffer(bufstate); return filtering; } ScoringProp * matcher_parser_get_scoring(gchar * str) { void * bufstate; /* bad coding to enable the sub-grammar matching in yacc */ matcher_parserlineno = 1; matcher_parser_dialog = 1; matcher_parserrestart(NULL); matcher_parser_init(); bufstate = matcher_parser_scan_string(str); matcher_parser_switch_to_buffer(bufstate); if (matcher_parserparse() != 0) scoring = NULL; matcher_parser_dialog = 0; matcher_parser_delete_buffer(bufstate); return scoring; } static gboolean check_quote_symetry (gchar *str) { gchar *walk; int ret = 0; if (str == NULL) return TRUE; /* heh, that's symetric */ if (*str == '\0') return TRUE; for (walk = str; *walk; walk++) { if (*walk == '\"') { if (walk == str /* first char */ || *(walk - 1) != '\\') /* not escaped */ ret ++; } } return !(ret%2); } MatcherList * matcher_parser_get_cond(gchar * str) { void * bufstate; if (!check_quote_symetry(str)) { cond = NULL; return cond; } /* bad coding to enable the sub-grammar matching in yacc */ matcher_parserlineno = 1; matcher_parser_dialog = 1; matcher_parserrestart(NULL); matcher_parser_init(); bufstate = matcher_parser_scan_string(str); matcher_parserparse(); matcher_parser_dialog = 0; matcher_parser_delete_buffer(bufstate); return cond; } MatcherProp * matcher_parser_get_prop(gchar * str) { MatcherList * list; MatcherProp * prop; matcher_parserlineno = 1; list = matcher_parser_get_cond(str); if (list == NULL) return NULL; if (list->matchers == NULL) return NULL; if (list->matchers->next != NULL) return NULL; prop = list->matchers->data; g_slist_free(list->matchers); g_free(list); return prop; } void matcher_parsererror(char * str) { GSList * l; if (matchers_list) { for(l = matchers_list ; l != NULL ; l = g_slist_next(l)) { matcherprop_free((MatcherProp *) l->data); l->data = NULL; } g_slist_free(matchers_list); matchers_list = NULL; } cond = NULL; g_warning("scoring / filtering parsing: %i: %s\n", matcher_parserlineno, str); error = 1; } int matcher_parserwrap(void) { return 1; } %} %union { char * str; int value; } %token MATCHER_ALL MATCHER_UNREAD MATCHER_NOT_UNREAD %token MATCHER_NEW MATCHER_NOT_NEW MATCHER_MARKED %token MATCHER_NOT_MARKED MATCHER_DELETED MATCHER_NOT_DELETED %token MATCHER_REPLIED MATCHER_NOT_REPLIED MATCHER_FORWARDED %token MATCHER_NOT_FORWARDED MATCHER_SUBJECT MATCHER_NOT_SUBJECT %token MATCHER_FROM MATCHER_NOT_FROM MATCHER_TO MATCHER_NOT_TO %token MATCHER_CC MATCHER_NOT_CC MATCHER_TO_OR_CC MATCHER_NOT_TO_AND_NOT_CC %token MATCHER_AGE_GREATER MATCHER_AGE_LOWER MATCHER_NEWSGROUPS %token MATCHER_NOT_NEWSGROUPS MATCHER_INREPLYTO MATCHER_NOT_INREPLYTO %token MATCHER_REFERENCES MATCHER_NOT_REFERENCES MATCHER_SCORE_GREATER %token MATCHER_SCORE_LOWER MATCHER_HEADER MATCHER_NOT_HEADER %token MATCHER_HEADERS_PART MATCHER_NOT_HEADERS_PART MATCHER_MESSAGE %token MATCHER_NOT_MESSAGE MATCHER_BODY_PART MATCHER_NOT_BODY_PART %token MATCHER_EXECUTE MATCHER_NOT_EXECUTE MATCHER_MATCHCASE MATCHER_MATCH %token MATCHER_REGEXPCASE MATCHER_REGEXP MATCHER_SCORE MATCHER_MOVE %token MATCHER_COPY MATCHER_DELETE MATCHER_MARK MATCHER_UNMARK %token MATCHER_MARK_AS_READ MATCHER_MARK_AS_UNREAD MATCHER_FORWARD %token MATCHER_FORWARD_AS_ATTACHMENT MATCHER_EOL MATCHER_STRING %token MATCHER_OR MATCHER_AND %token MATCHER_COLOR MATCHER_SCORE_EQUAL MATCHER_REDIRECT MATCHER_DELETE_ON_SERVER %token MATCHER_SIZE_GREATER MATCHER_SIZE_SMALLER MATCHER_SIZE_EQUAL %token MATCHER_LOCKED MATCHER_NOT_LOCKED %start file %token MATCHER_STRING %token MATCHER_SECTION %token MATCHER_INTEGER %% file: { if (!matcher_parser_dialog) { prefs_scoring = &global_scoring; prefs_filtering = &global_processing; } } file_line_list; file_line_list: file_line file_line_list | file_line ; file_line: section_notification | instruction | error MATCHER_EOL { yyerrok; }; section_notification: MATCHER_SECTION MATCHER_EOL { gchar * folder = $1; FolderItem * item = NULL; if (!matcher_parser_dialog) { item = folder_find_item_from_identifier(folder); if (item == NULL) { prefs_scoring = &global_scoring; prefs_filtering = &global_processing; } else { prefs_scoring = &item->prefs->scoring; prefs_filtering = &item->prefs->processing; } } } ; instruction: condition end_instr_opt | MATCHER_EOL ; end_instr_opt: filtering_or_scoring end_action | { if (matcher_parser_dialog) YYACCEPT; else { matcher_parsererror("parse error"); YYERROR; } } ; end_action: MATCHER_EOL | { if (matcher_parser_dialog) YYACCEPT; else { matcher_parsererror("parse error"); YYERROR; } } ; filtering_or_scoring: filtering_action { filtering = filteringprop_new(cond, action); cond = NULL; action = NULL; if (!matcher_parser_dialog) { * prefs_filtering = g_slist_append(* prefs_filtering, filtering); filtering = NULL; } } | scoring_rule { scoring = scoringprop_new(cond, score); cond = NULL; score = 0; if (!matcher_parser_dialog) { * prefs_scoring = g_slist_append(* prefs_scoring, scoring); scoring = NULL; } } ; match_type: MATCHER_MATCHCASE { match_type = MATCHTYPE_MATCHCASE; } | MATCHER_MATCH { match_type = MATCHTYPE_MATCH; } | MATCHER_REGEXPCASE { match_type = MATCHTYPE_REGEXPCASE; } | MATCHER_REGEXP { match_type = MATCHTYPE_REGEXP; } ; condition: condition_list { cond = matcherlist_new(matchers_list, (bool_op == MATCHERBOOL_AND)); matchers_list = NULL; } ; condition_list: condition_list bool_op one_condition { matchers_list = g_slist_append(matchers_list, prop); } | one_condition { matchers_list = NULL; matchers_list = g_slist_append(matchers_list, prop); } ; bool_op: MATCHER_AND { bool_op = MATCHERBOOL_AND; } | MATCHER_OR { bool_op = MATCHERBOOL_OR; } ; one_condition: MATCHER_ALL { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_ALL; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_UNREAD { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_UNREAD; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_UNREAD { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_UNREAD; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NEW { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NEW; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_NEW { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_NEW; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_MARKED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_MARKED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_MARKED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_MARKED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_DELETED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_DELETED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_DELETED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_DELETED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_REPLIED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_REPLIED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_REPLIED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_REPLIED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_FORWARDED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_FORWARDED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_FORWARDED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_FORWARDED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_LOCKED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_LOCKED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_LOCKED { gint criteria = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_LOCKED; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_SUBJECT match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SUBJECT; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_SUBJECT match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_SUBJECT; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_FROM match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_FROM; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_FROM match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_FROM; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_TO match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_TO; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_TO match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_TO; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_CC match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_CC; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_CC match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_CC; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_TO_OR_CC match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_TO_OR_CC; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_TO_AND_NOT_CC match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_TO_AND_NOT_CC; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_AGE_GREATER MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_AGE_GREATER; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_AGE_LOWER MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_AGE_LOWER; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_NEWSGROUPS match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NEWSGROUPS; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_NEWSGROUPS match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_NEWSGROUPS; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_INREPLYTO match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_INREPLYTO; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_INREPLYTO match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_INREPLYTO; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_REFERENCES match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_REFERENCES; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_REFERENCES match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_REFERENCES; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_SCORE_GREATER MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SCORE_GREATER; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_SCORE_LOWER MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SCORE_LOWER; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_SCORE_EQUAL MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SCORE_EQUAL; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_SIZE_GREATER MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SIZE_GREATER; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_SIZE_SMALLER MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SIZE_SMALLER; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_SIZE_EQUAL MATCHER_INTEGER { gint criteria = 0; gint value = 0; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_SIZE_EQUAL; value = atoi($2); prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, NULL, value); } | MATCHER_HEADER MATCHER_STRING { header = g_strdup($2); } match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_HEADER; expr = $2; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, header, match_type, expr, 0); g_free(header); } | MATCHER_NOT_HEADER MATCHER_STRING { header = g_strdup($2); } match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_HEADER; expr = $2; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, header, match_type, expr, 0); g_free(header); } | MATCHER_HEADERS_PART match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_HEADERS_PART; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_HEADERS_PART match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_HEADERS_PART; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_MESSAGE match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_MESSAGE; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_MESSAGE match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_MESSAGE; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_BODY_PART match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_BODY_PART; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_BODY_PART match_type MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_BODY_PART; expr = $3; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, match_type, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_EXECUTE MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_EXECUTE; expr = $2; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, expr, 0); } | MATCHER_NOT_EXECUTE MATCHER_STRING { gint criteria = 0; gchar * expr = NULL; criteria = MATCHCRITERIA_NOT_EXECUTE; expr = $2; prop = matcherprop_unquote_new(criteria, NULL, 0, expr, 0); } ; filtering_action: MATCHER_EXECUTE MATCHER_STRING { gchar * cmd = NULL; gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_EXECUTE; cmd = $2; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, cmd, 0); } | MATCHER_MOVE MATCHER_STRING { gchar * destination = NULL; gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_MOVE; destination = $2; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, destination, 0); } | MATCHER_COPY MATCHER_STRING { gchar * destination = NULL; gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_COPY; destination = $2; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, destination, 0); } | MATCHER_DELETE { gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_DELETE; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_MARK { gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_MARK; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_UNMARK { gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_UNMARK; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_MARK_AS_READ { gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_MARK_AS_READ; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_MARK_AS_UNREAD { gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_MARK_AS_UNREAD; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, 0); } | MATCHER_FORWARD MATCHER_INTEGER MATCHER_STRING { gchar * destination = NULL; gint action_type = 0; gint account_id = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_FORWARD; account_id = atoi($2); destination = $3; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, account_id, destination, 0); } | MATCHER_FORWARD_AS_ATTACHMENT MATCHER_INTEGER MATCHER_STRING { gchar * destination = NULL; gint action_type = 0; gint account_id = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_FORWARD_AS_ATTACHMENT; account_id = atoi($2); destination = $3; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, account_id, destination, 0); } | MATCHER_REDIRECT MATCHER_INTEGER MATCHER_STRING { gchar * destination = NULL; gint action_type = 0; gint account_id = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_REDIRECT; account_id = atoi($2); destination = $3; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, account_id, destination, 0); } | MATCHER_COLOR MATCHER_INTEGER { gint action_type = 0; gint color = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_COLOR; color = atoi($2); action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, color); } | MATCHER_DELETE_ON_SERVER { gint action_type = 0; action_type = MATCHACTION_DELETE_ON_SERVER; action = filteringaction_new(action_type, 0, NULL, 0); } ; scoring_rule: MATCHER_SCORE MATCHER_INTEGER { score = atoi($2); } ;