Unless --with-password-encryption=old is active, account passwords are stored encrypted using AES-256-CBC, using following scheme: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Encryption/decryption key is derived from either PASSCRYPT_KEY, or user-selected master passphrase, using PBKDF2, using salt from 'master_passphrase_salt'. IV for the cipher is filled with random bytes. Encryption ---------- We prepare a buffer 128+blocksize bytes long, with one block of random data at the beginning, followed by the password we want to encrypt, rest is padded with zero bytes. We encrypt the buffer. We base64-encode the ciphertext, and store it as: "{algorithm}encodedciphertext" Decryption ---------- We strip the "{algorithm}" (after verifying that it matches what we expect) and base64-decode the remaining ciphertext. We decrypt the ciphertext. We discard the first block, and the rest is a zero-terminated string with our password. Why the random block at the beginning? -------------------------------------- We are taking advantage of property of CBC mode where decryption with a wrong IV results in only first block being garbled. Therefore we prepend a random block to our plaintext before encryption, and discard first block from plaintext after decryption. Master passphrase ----------------- This can be any string user chooses. We store its 64 bytes long key derivation (KD), using PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA1, and later check correctness of user-entered passphrase by making same KD from it and comparing it to the stored one. Only if the two KDs match, the passphrase is accepted and remembered for session, thus giving access to account or plugin passwords. Salt used for PBKDF2 is stored in 'master_passphrase_salt', encoded as base64. It consists of 64 randomly generated bytes. Number of rounds for PBKDF2 is stored in hidden preference 'master_passphrase_pbkdf2_rounds'.