#!/bin/sh head -15 configure.ac | grep VERSION > /tmp/commitTool.tmp source /tmp/commitTool.tmp EXTRA_VERSION=`echo $EXTRA_VERSION | awk -F'.' '{for (i=1;i/dev/null |grep ^File` for file in $filelist; do merge=`echo $file | grep Merge` modif=`echo $file | grep Locally` if [ "$merge" != "" ]; then echo $merge echo You have to update first exit fi; if [ "$modif" != "" ]; then echo $modif fi; done; patchset="(" log="" files=`cvs diff -u $@ 2>/dev/null |grep ^Index` echo "--8<----------" name=`whoami` #change if your login isn't your name if [ "$name" == "claws" ]; then name="paul"; elif [ "$name" == "reboot" ]; then name="christoph"; fi; log="`date +%Y-%m-%d` [$name]\t$nextsversion\n\n" for line in $files; do file=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2` dir=`dirname $file` filename=`basename $file` cvsfile="$dir/CVS/Entries" version=`grep "\/$filename\/" $cvsfile | cut -d'/' -f3` nextversion=`echo $version | awk -F'.' '{for (i=1;i $chlog cat $chlog.old >> $chlog rm $chlog.old echo "$patchset" >> PATCHSETS echo "editing $chlog configure.ac..." $EDITOR $chlog configure.ac echo running cvs commit $@ PATCHSETS $chlog configure.ac cvs commit $@ PATCHSETS $chlog configure.ac fi