2005-09-16 [colin] 1.9.14cvs34
[claws.git] / src / Makefile.am
1 SUBDIRS = common gtk plugins etpan
3 bin_PROGRAMS = sylpheed
5 sylpheed_SOURCES = \
6         account.c \
7         action.c \
8         addrbook.c \
9         addrcache.c \
10         addrclip.c \
11         addr_compl.c \
12         addressadd.c \
13         addressbook.c \
14         addrgather.c \
15         addrharvest.c \
16         addrindex.c \
17         addritem.c \
18         addrquery.c \
19         addrselect.c \
20         alertpanel.c \
21         browseldap.c \
22         codeconv.c \
23         compose.c \
24         crash.c \
25         customheader.c \
26         displayheader.c \
27         editaddress.c \
28         editbook.c \
29         editgroup.c \
30         editjpilot.c \
31         editldap_basedn.c \
32         editldap.c \
33         editvcard.c \
34         enriched.c \
35         exphtmldlg.c \
36         expldifdlg.c \
37         export.c \
38         exporthtml.c \
39         exportldif.c \
40         filtering.c \
41         folder.c \
42         folder_item_prefs.c \
43         foldersel.c \
44         folderutils.c \
45         folderview.c \
46         gedit-print.c \
47         grouplistdialog.c \
48         headerview.c \
49         html.c \
50         image_viewer.c \
51         imap.c \
52         imap_gtk.c \
53         import.c \
54         importldif.c \
55         importmutt.c \
56         importpine.c \
57         inc.c \
58         jpilot.c \
59         ldapctrl.c \
60         ldaplocate.c \
61         ldapquery.c \
62         ldapserver.c \
63         ldaputil.c \
64         ldif.c \
65         localfolder.c \
66         main.c \
67         mainwindow.c \
68         manual.c \
69         matcher.c \
70         matcher_parser_lex.l \
71         matcher_parser_parse.y \
72         mbox.c \
73         message_search.c \
74         messageview.c \
75         mh.c \
76         mh_gtk.c \
77         mimeview.c \
78         msgcache.c \
79         mutt.c \
80         news.c \
81         news_gtk.c \
82         noticeview.c \
83         partial_download.c \
84         pine.c \
85         pop.c \
86         prefs_account.c \
87         prefs_actions.c \
88         prefs_common.c \
89         prefs_compose_writing.c \
90         prefs_customheader.c \
91         prefs_display_header.c \
92         prefs_ext_prog.c \
93         prefs_filtering_action.c \
94         prefs_filtering.c \
95         prefs_folder_item.c \
96         prefs_fonts.c \
97         prefs_gtk.c \
98         prefs_image_viewer.c \
99         prefs_matcher.c \
100         prefs_message.c \
101         prefs_msg_colors.c \
102         prefs_other.c \
103         prefs_quote.c \
104         prefs_receive.c \
105         prefs_send.c \
106         prefs_spelling.c \
107         prefs_summaries.c \
108         prefs_summary_column.c \
109         prefs_folder_column.c \
110         prefs_template.c \
111         prefs_themes.c \
112         prefs_toolbar.c \
113         prefs_wrapping.c \
114         privacy.c \
115         procheader.c \
116         procmime.c \
117         procmsg.c \
118         quote_fmt.c \
119         quote_fmt_lex.l \
120         quote_fmt_parse.y \
121         recv.c \
122         remotefolder.c \
123         send_message.c \
124         setup.c \
125         simple-gettext.c \
126         sourcewindow.c \
127         ssl_manager.c \
128         statusbar.c \
129         stock_pixmap.c \
130         summary_search.c \
131         summaryview.c \
132         textview.c \
133         toolbar.c \
134         undo.c \
135         unmime.c \
136         vcard.c \
137         wizard.c
139 sylpheedincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)
140 sylpheedinclude_HEADERS = \
141         account.h \
142         action.h \
143         adbookbase.h \
144         addrbook.h \
145         addrcache.h \
146         addrclip.h \
147         addr_compl.h \
148         addrdefs.h \
149         addressadd.h \
150         addressbook.h \
151         addressitem.h \
152         addrgather.h \
153         addrharvest.h \
154         addrindex.h \
155         addritem.h \
156         addrquery.h \
157         addrselect.h \
158         alertpanel.h \
159         browseldap.h \
160         codeconv.h \
161         compose.h \
162         crash.h \
163         customheader.h \
164         displayheader.h \
165         editaddress.h \
166         editbook.h \
167         editgroup.h \
168         editjpilot.h \
169         editldap_basedn.h \
170         editldap.h \
171         editvcard.h \
172         enriched.h \
173         exphtmldlg.h \
174         expldifdlg.h \
175         export.h \
176         exporthtml.h \
177         exportldif.h \
178         filtering.h \
179         folder.h \
180         folder_item_prefs.h \
181         foldersel.h \
182         folderutils.h \
183         folderview.h \
184         gedit-print.h \
185         grouplistdialog.h \
186         headerview.h \
187         html.h \
188         image_viewer.h \
189         imap.h \
190         imap_gtk.h \
191         import.h \
192         importldif.h \
193         importmutt.h \
194         importpine.h \
195         inc.h \
196         jpilot.h \
197         ldapctrl.h \
198         ldaplocate.h \
199         ldapquery.h \
200         ldapserver.h \
201         ldaputil.h \
202         ldif.h \
203         localfolder.h \
204         main.h \
205         mainwindow.h \
206         manual.h \
207         matcher.h \
208         matcher_parser.h \
209         matcher_parser_lex.h \
210         matcher_parser_parse.h \
211         mbox.h \
212         message_search.h \
213         messageview.h \
214         mh.h \
215         mh_gtk.h \
216         mimeview.h \
217         msgcache.h \
218         mutt.h \
219         news.h \
220         news_gtk.h \
221         noticeview.h \
222         partial_download.h \
223         pine.h \
224         pop.h \
225         prefs_account.h \
226         prefs_actions.h \
227         prefs_common.h \
228         prefs_compose_writing.h \
229         prefs_customheader.h \
230         prefs_display_header.h \
231         prefs_ext_prog.h \
232         prefs_filtering_action.h \
233         prefs_filtering.h \
234         prefs_folder_item.h \
235         prefs_fonts.h \
236         prefs_gtk.h \
237         prefs_image_viewer.h \
238         prefs_matcher.h \
239         prefs_message.h \
240         prefs_msg_colors.h \
241         prefs_other.h \
242         prefs_quote.h \
243         prefs_receive.h \
244         prefs_send.h \
245         prefs_spelling.h \
246         prefs_summaries.h \
247         prefs_summary_column.h \
248         prefs_folder_column.h \
249         prefs_template.h \
250         prefs_themes.h \
251         prefs_toolbar.h \
252         prefs_wrapping.h \
253         privacy.h \
254         procheader.h \
255         procmime.h \
256         procmsg.h \
257         quote_fmt.h \
258         quote_fmt_lex.h \
259         quote_fmt_parse.h \
260         recv.h \
261         remotefolder.h \
262         send_message.h \
263         setup.h \
264         sourcewindow.h \
265         ssl_manager.h \
266         statusbar.h \
267         stock_pixmap.h \
268         summary_search.h \
269         summaryview.h \
270         textview.h \
271         toolbar.h \
272         undo.h \
273         unmime.h \
274         vcard.h \
275         wizard.h
278         matcher_parser_parse.h \
279         quote_fmt_parse.h
281 EXTRA_DIST = \
282         pixmaps/address_book.xpm \
283         pixmaps/address_search.xpm \
284         pixmaps/address.xpm \
285         pixmaps/book.xpm \
286         pixmaps/category.xpm \
287         pixmaps/checkbox_off.xpm \
288         pixmaps/checkbox_on.xpm \
289         pixmaps/check_spelling.xpm \
290         pixmaps/clipkey.xpm \
291         pixmaps/clip.xpm \
292         pixmaps/clip_gpg_signed.xpm \
293         pixmaps/close.xpm \
294         pixmaps/complete.xpm \
295         pixmaps/continue.xpm \
296         pixmaps/deleted.xpm \
297         pixmaps/dir_close.xpm \
298         pixmaps/dir_noselect.xpm \
299         pixmaps/dir_open_hrm.xpm \
300         pixmaps/dir_open.xpm \
301         pixmaps/down_arrow.xpm \
302         pixmaps/drafts_close.xpm \
303         pixmaps/drafts_open.xpm \
304         pixmaps/error.xpm \
305         pixmaps/exec.xpm \
306         pixmaps/forwarded.xpm \
307         pixmaps/gpg_signed.xpm \
308         pixmaps/group.xpm \
309         pixmaps/ignorethread.xpm \
310         pixmaps/inbox_hrm.xpm \
311         pixmaps/inbox.xpm \
312         pixmaps/interface.xpm \
313         pixmaps/jpilot.xpm \
314         pixmaps/key.xpm \
315         pixmaps/ldap.xpm \
316         pixmaps/linewrap.xpm \
317         pixmaps/linewrapcurrent.xpm \
318         pixmaps/locked.xpm \
319         pixmaps/mail_attach.xpm \
320         pixmaps/mail_compose.xpm \
321         pixmaps/mail_forward.xpm \
322         pixmaps/mail_receive_all.xpm \
323         pixmaps/mail_receive.xpm \
324         pixmaps/mail_reply_to_all.xpm \
325         pixmaps/mail_reply_to_author.xpm \
326         pixmaps/mail_reply.xpm \
327         pixmaps/mail_send_queue.xpm \
328         pixmaps/mail_send.xpm \
329         pixmaps/mail.xpm \
330         pixmaps/mark.xpm \
331         pixmaps/mime_application.xpm \
332         pixmaps/mime_audio.xpm \
333         pixmaps/mime_image.xpm \
334         pixmaps/mime_message.xpm \
335         pixmaps/mime_text_enriched.xpm \
336         pixmaps/mime_text_html.xpm \
337         pixmaps/mime_text_plain.xpm \
338         pixmaps/mime_unknown.xpm \
339         pixmaps/news_compose.xpm \
340         pixmaps/new.xpm \
341         pixmaps/notice_error.xpm \
342         pixmaps/notice_note.xpm \
343         pixmaps/notice_warn.xpm \
344         pixmaps/offline.xpm \
345         pixmaps/online.xpm \
346         pixmaps/outbox_hrm.xpm \
347         pixmaps/outbox.xpm \
348         pixmaps/paste.xpm \
349         pixmaps/preferences.xpm \
350         pixmaps/privacy_expired.xpm \
351         pixmaps/privacy_failed.xpm \
352         pixmaps/privacy_passed.xpm \
353         pixmaps/privacy_signed.xpm \
354         pixmaps/privacy_unknown.xpm \
355         pixmaps/privacy_warn.xpm \
356         pixmaps/privacy_emblem_encrypted.xpm \
357         pixmaps/privacy_emblem_failed.xpm \
358         pixmaps/privacy_emblem_passed.xpm \
359         pixmaps/privacy_emblem_signed.xpm \
360         pixmaps/privacy_emblem_warn.xpm \
361         pixmaps/properties.xpm \
362         pixmaps/quicksearch.xpm \
363         pixmaps/replied.xpm \
364         pixmaps/search.xpm \
365         pixmaps/sylpheed_icon.xpm \
366         pixmaps/sylpheed_logo.xpm \
367         pixmaps/sylpheed.xpm \
368         pixmaps/trash_hrm.xpm \
369         pixmaps/trash.xpm \
370         pixmaps/trash_btn.xpm \
371         pixmaps/unread.xpm \
372         pixmaps/read.xpm \
373         pixmaps/up_arrow.xpm \
374         pixmaps/vcard.xpm \
375         pixmaps/dir_close_mark.xpm \
376         pixmaps/dir_open_hrm_mark.xpm \
377         pixmaps/dir_open_mark.xpm \
378         pixmaps/drafts_close_mark.xpm \
379         pixmaps/drafts_open_mark.xpm \
380         pixmaps/inbox_hrm_mark.xpm \
381         pixmaps/inbox_mark.xpm \
382         pixmaps/outbox_hrm_mark.xpm \
383         pixmaps/outbox_mark.xpm \
384         pixmaps/trash_hrm_mark.xpm \
385         pixmaps/trash_mark.xpm
388 INCLUDES = \
389         -Icommon \
390         -Igtk \
391         -Ietpan
393 sylpheed_LDFLAGS = \
394         -export-dynamic
396 sylpheed_LDADD = \
397         etpan/libsylpheedetpan.la \
398         gtk/libsylpheedgtk.la \
399         $(ASPELL_LIBS) \
400         $(INTLLIBS) \
401         $(GTK_LIBS) \
402         $(GPGME_LIBS) \
403         $(LDAP_LIBS) \
404         $(OPENSSL_LIBS) \
405         $(COMPFACE_LIBS) \
406         $(JPILOT_LIBS) \
407         $(PTHREAD_LIBS) \
408         $(GNOMEPRINT_LIBS) \
409         $(LIBICONV) \
411         $(LIBETPAN_LIBS)
414         -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"Sylpheed\" \
415         -DLOCALEDIR=\""$(localedir)"\" \
416         -DMANUALDIR=\""$(manualdir)"\" \
417         -DFAQDIR=\""$(faqdir)"\" \
418         -DTARGET_ALIAS=\""$(target_triplet)"\" \
419         -DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" \
420         $(ASPELL_CFLAGS) \
421         $(GTK_CFLAGS) \
422         $(GPGME_CFLAGS) \
423         $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS) \
424         $(GNOMEPRINT_CFLAGS) \
425         $(LIBETPAN_CPPFLAGS) \
427         -Wno-unused-function
429 #no-unused-function is there because of bison stuff
430 #no-deprecated-declarations because of gpgme_data_rewind, which we have
431 #to call inside gpgme due to our lack of LARGEFILE support
434 AM_YFLAGS = -d